To apply for a rental with Allure Realty, all you’ll need to:
- Inspect the property to ensure it is suitable
- Complete the application form, including the Privacy Disclosure Statement, Privacy Consent & Marketing Consent
- Attach photocopies of documents to meet 100 or more points of ID (such as your birth certificate, drivers license, phone bill etc.)
- Read & understand the Allure Realty Application Process, which is listed on the application form.
- Read & understand the Form 18a – General Tenancy Agreement, Terms & any Special Terms & Conditions
Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Once you apply for a rental property, we will endeavor to have an answer regarding its success within 24-48 hours, but due to circumstances outside of our control, this can sometimes take longer, we will communicate with you through this process.
Someone from our office will call to let you know the outcome of your application, regardless if it is successful or not.
If your application is accepted, within 24 hours of acceptance, the amount of 2 weeks rent is to be paid by Direct Deposit. And then the Form 18a – General Tenancy Agreement is to be signed by all approved lease holders.
If your application is not accepted by the Lessor, you will be called to be notified of the outcome and then your application form will be retained for one month and then destroyed securely to comply with Privacy Legislation.
Tenants have certain legal obligations they must adhere to at all times:
- You must keep the premises and inclusions clean
- You must not maliciously damage, or allow someone else to maliciously damage,the premises or inclusions.
- You must pay your rent and any utilities as per the Form 18a – General Tenancy Agreement.
- Abide by the Special Terms and Conditions, and any Annexures attached to the Form 18a – General Tenancy Agreement
- Respect your neighbours’ right to peace and quiet
- At the end of the tenancy, the tenant must leave the premises and inclusions, as far as possible, in the same condition they were in at the start of the tenancy, fair wear and tear excepted.
The Tenant Induction is one of the most important meetings that will be conducted before you move into the property. The Induction is an approximately 20-40 minute meeting with all tenants moving into the property, regardless if you are long term renters or new to renting.
You will receive our Tenancy Handbook that we will go through, which covers everything you need to know from start to finish of the Tenancy.
We will discuss any concerns or questions you may have, this way everyone will understand their rights and obligations from the start.
We will then complete and sign all the documentation required.
The Entry Condition Report – Form 1a, records the condition of the property at the beginning of your tenancy.
This report includes the condition of the property from top to bottom, inside and out, including all the makes, models and serial numbers of all the appliances, the colour and condition of the walls, floors, window finishing’s, cupboards, benches etc, the condition of the yard, gardens, pools etc. To ensure a trouble free tenancy, this report will be very meticulous to minimise any vacating issues from arising.
Photos of the entire property are taken the day of or before you move in, and supplied to you on a disc, which we reflect the Entry Condition Report.
At the end of your tenancy, the entry condition report can be vital in helping you get your bond back in full, so make sure that you fill it in as much detail as possible and include all information; you don’t want to be responsible for damage that you didn’t cause but forgot to write down on the Form. It might also help to take photos and attach this to the entry upon returning it to your agent.
We will conduct a routine inspection 3-4 times a year. The main purpose is to provide a report to the Lessor the condition of the property, and to check for any repairs and make any recommendations to the Lessor. We also take photos at the inspection to accompany this report. These photos will not be used for anything other than the inspection report.
The Routine Inspection is only a visual inspection, and what we note down and look at are:
- All fittings and fixtures, inside and outside, are clean and in good working order
- Any damages throughout the property, inside or out
- We ensure the property is being used in the correct manner, by those who are authorized only.
- We ensure the property meets the correct requirement of particular laws
- We note down any visible repairs or maintenance requirements
All general repairs and maintenance must be forwarded to our office in writing so we can act accordingly.
Provide us with as much information as possible, of the repairs needed.
You can complete the form here or email it through to rentals@allurerealty.com.au
If the repair completed was deemed by our Contractors to have been caused by any Tenant/Tenant’s Guest, this invoice will be passed on to the Tenant for payment. EG: blocked toilet, and the plumber found children’s toys were causing the issue.
Emergency repairs are generally those that could cause injury to the tenant or damage to the property, and may include:
- Water pipes have broken or burst
- Blocked or broken toilet (if a second toilet is not available)
- Dangerous electrical fault, dangerous power point, loose live wire etc.
- Flooding, rainwater inundation inside the property, or serious flood damage
- Serious storm, fire or impact damage (i.e. impact by a motor vehicle)
- Failure or breakdown or leak of the gas, electricity or water supply to the premises
- Hot water service failure
- Fault or damage that makes premises unsafe or insecure
- Fault likely to injure a person, cause damage or extreme inconvenience
Any call outs to tradespeople that are not deemed emergencies, or by a direct misuse/negligence from the tenant, the account will be charged directly to the tenant.
In all instances please use common sense to determine if the problem needs immediate rectification or if it could wait until the next practical business day.
Please call our Contractors on the following:
PLUMBING & GAS ISSUES – Andrew’s Maintenance Plumbing – 0409 210 478
ELECTRICAL ISSUES – KHP Electrical – 0417 784 549
GLASS BREAKAGES – Affordable 24hr Glass Repairs – 0419 660 811
LOCK CHANGES – Ashmore Lock Service – 0412 037 514
ENERGEX – 13 62 62
At the end of your tenancy you will no doubt want your bond refunded quickly after you vacate. For your full bond to be paid quickly, you will need to ensure you have completed:
- Rent – rent is paid up to the date of vacate – your bond is not to be used for rent.
- Property Clean – the property is to be cleaned, from top to bottom, front and back, carpets professionally cleaned, property has been pressure cleaned and grounds returned to their ingoing condition. The property must also pass the final inspection conducted by this agency.
- Receipts – All receipts have been handed in with the keys, for gas, carpet cleaning, pest control, pool water report etc
- Invoices paid – please ensure that all invoices are paid – any water charges water, any damages, pool chemicals, electricity charges, compensation amounts and break lease fees are paid.
- Keys – ensure that all keys, remote controls, manuals etc. have been returned.
Once the above has been completed, and all your obligations have been met, we can then refund your bond. Delays to this, in all cases, relates to one or more of these criteria not being met.
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- What similar properties are being rented for
- Information about our property management services